Handling a queue of GPU jobs without resource manager

How do you execute a lot of experiments? Say you want to run as many as you can over night, and examine them in the morning. The jobs can be executed one after the other as easy as bash run.sh when you have a single GPU. The problems arise when you have more than one so you want to make sure each GPU is occupied with exactly one task at a time and new task is fetched when previous finished. A clever way would be to use a resource manager such as slurm or torque, but I leave it as a future work for myself. This post shows a possible workaround for a local workstation using a simple python script.

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Feed-forward neural doodle

Sometimes you sigh you cannot draw, aren’t you? It takes time to master the skills, and you have more important things to do :) What if you could only sketch the picture like a 3-years old and everything else is done by a computer so your sketch looks like a real painting? It will certainly happen in near future. In fact several algorithms that do the thing very well were proposed recently, yet they take at least several minutes to render your masterpiece using a high-end hardware. We make a step towards making such things available for everybody and present an online demo of our fast algorithm.

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